Season 6, Episode #57 – Angels In My Corner
Guest Hosts: Inocente Lopez, Wonders & Worries client & an Austin American Stateman’s Season for Caring family.
In this episode, we meet Inocente Lopez, Wonders & Worries’ client and this year’s nomination for Austin American Stateman’s Season for Caring Campaign. Join us as she shares about her resiliency living with pancreatic cancer and the way that the community has supported her in some truly incredible ways. Inocente’s story is one of bravery, determination, young love, resiliency, hope and gratitude.
parenting, mental health, family connection, youth, holiday gifting, illness education, advocacy, community support
Initiatives Featured in this episode:
Client Highlight, Season for Caring
- Early in diagnosis can involve a lot of waiting
- Sharing genetics is crucial in sharing your legacy
- Early detection is everything with cancer
- Faith is empowering
- Having a solid community and family is so important in finding health
- You can have an aggressive cancer with a dire prognosis and still chase joy
Key Websites: