
See how Wonders & Worries has enriched and helped improve the quality of life for families that have become affected by a serious illness or injury.

  • The Steele Family

    While admiring the tadpoles and fish with Quade, Karlee received a phone call she’d been anticipating for three weeks. The voice on the other end…

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  • Wills Family

    The Wills Family

    As a practicing physician and owner of Austin Pain Associates, Rob began referring clients to Wonders & Worries. Matt Mathias, a former board member whose…

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  • Dr. Ramsdell’s Story

    “As a doctor, I witness daily the anxiety, fear, and sorrow that a cancer diagnosis can bring,” he says. “I have come to understand that…

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  • Quinn Family Photo

    The Quinn Family

    “I wasn’t familiar with the organization before then, but when I learned what Wonders & Worries does for these families, I was glad to help,”…

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  • Kathryn Parker’s Story

    When she was only 11 years old, Kathryn’s father was diagnosed with cancer. Kathryn and her brother, who was 8 years old at the time,…

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  • Halder family

    The Halder Family

    In the years that followed, she and her husband, Rob, decided to give back through financial support and volunteer activities. Later, Nicole joined the Wonders…

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  • Gloria Seidlin-Berstein’s Story

    Volunteering at Wonders & Worries was an organization at the top of the list. She had first encountered the organization when some students at TSD…

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  • The Gabbi Family

    The Gabbi Family

    They turned to Wonders & Worries and child life specialist Corinne Barnickel for assistance. Not only did Corinne help the children cope with their mother’s…

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  • Douglass family

    The Douglass Family

    “We have been so fortunate in life,” Rosemary says, “but we know others who have struggled with illness while trying to take care of their…

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  • Chris Cashion

    Chris Cashion

    At lunch after the shoot, he heard in more detail what Wonders & Worries did for the children of parents with a serious or life-threatening…

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  • Agnew family

    The Agnew Family

    Although she and her family were blessed with good health at the time, she knew that someday her family, or a friend or neighbor’s family,…

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  • Wedig family

    The Wedig Family

    Brooke admired Child Life Specialist Lexi Wilkinson from the day they met and trusted her with her deepest concerns. Lexi imparted to Brooke a sense…

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