Shop & Support
Wonders & Worries provides free, professional support for children and teenagers through a parent’s serious illness or injury, so that they can reach their full potential.

How You Can Help
You can help support our current programmatic needs by providing bottled water, gift cards to HEB, Staples, Valero and/or Costo, or in-kind donations or funds to help offset printing costs. In addition, each location always has specific programmatic material needs which you can find on our Amazon Wish Lists.

Our Children’s Book
I Wonder What It’s Like When a Parent Has Cancer: Max’s Story
by Jacquelyn Rebecek, MS, CCLS (Author), Anna Boxall (Illustrator)
The first book in the series follows the story of a boy, Max, as he learns about and copes with his dad’s cancer diagnosis. Strategies for sharing information with Max and his sister about cancer are brought to light. Max explores common feelings and questions throughout the book and challenging points in the story are supported with “helpers” and coping ideas that assist Max along the way.

Our Activity Book
Wonders & Worries Activity Book
by Crystal Wilkins (Author), Michele Martin (Author), Deanna Smith (Author), Lara Strickland (Author), Jordan Ruch (Illustrator), Adrianna Ortega (Illustrator), Maria Patino (Photographer), Abby Ann Williams (Photographer)
The activities compiled in this book provide ways of engagement with children impacted by illness, whether your clinicals goals are to build rapport, provide an outlet for emotional regulation and/or to help educate the child about illness. For clinicians not working within the realm of illness, activities are modifiable to the clients you serve.